We had another party for Gracy with the Bingham side of the family on her REAL birthday :) June 30th. Gracy is always in 7th heaven when she gets to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Neola. She would sit in the garden and play in the dirt all day. This was one of the cutest things ive ever seen, Linda gave Gracy a pickle and she sucked that thing dry, thats her new favorite snack. She also ate 1 1\2 hot dogs. seriously when she sees everyone else eating she suddenly gets an appetite. Little stinker. :)
This is Gracy's new favorite thing. she has the funniest little tan lines. My mom and I laid out in the sun while she played for almost 2 hours! I was feeling like i needed the sun and of course ended up getting scorched. I now look like a leper. Oh well I guess thats what you get for not seeing the sun in 2 years lol.
This weekend we are finally getting to our Anniversary Date ( I know it was supposed to happen last month). Danny is taking me camping ........like real roughin' it kind of stuff. I grew up camping in trailers and having four wheelers and bbqing , we are packing up a few horses and not taking any food, except some water and trail mix and our fishing poles. ! Im so excited to get to be in the mountains and just hang out. Jon and Linda are going to babysit for us! I know lucky them. This is Gracy's first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I hope she is a good girl. Im so glad she sleeps through the night and does pretty good. Im hoping she does just as good at someone elses house.
For the other half of our life.........GRACY IS WALKING!!!! Well more like RUNNING. I cant get a thing done! this little girl is everywhere. we bought gates and she is already trying to climb them. Ya know she didnt even start taking a few steps ..... she just took off across the room! My mom and I were like.......was that gracy?????? its the cutest thing Ive ever seen. I need to post a video of her walking.
Our Business.......is going great! we have even picked up more business. I am learning all the "Grown up" stuff......so the stuff that isnt to fun to do ......like taxes and invoices and dealing with those crazy accountants. I Still have not mastered the Quick books program, but am getting there. I think we will survive it all. We couldn't do it with out our awesome family. They have really done so much to help. Love you guys.
gracy looks so grown up! it's so crazy how fast they grow!! she looks so fun and cute!
you're life is crazy! I love it. and You wouldn't be stealing my idea cuz I got it from a friend! I'm no Martha Stewart thats for sure!! haha Gracy is getting so big and she's so adorable. Business is awesome! I love being on my own but taxes do suck, I'm also learning. I wish I had someone else to do that for me! Everything is going great at our home!
I can't believe that little Gracy is already 1!!! Little Brynadee will be 1 in a month and it is CRAZY!?! She is so cute and I can't believe how long her hair is.
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