My sister coco and my mom helped me bake all of this cake we needed, I dont think it would have happened with out them .
We had a good time with all the Neon frosting.
Final cup cake tower.
Gracy hasn't stopped playing with all of her new toys !!!!
She is so funny, she was teasing me with those little mr. potato head glasses all morning,
she is really good at entertaining herself and using her imagination.
I love how she folds her arms when a prayer is being said. and then tries to mumble her own little prayer ( think she picked that up from cousin Bailey)
When i tell her to go get into bed at night she cries and drags herself into her covers sobbing but excepts the rules.
sometimes puts herself into time-out
wants to be just like the big kids.
is a GREAT eater, but prefers hot dogs .....even for breakfast.
she is fearless
she is Beautiful, her platinum blond hair and those big blue eyes just melt me.
She is already a little athlete
I love that she picks up on Danny's mannerisms and thinks her dad is the most amazing person on this earth.
I love the rare hugs and kisses I get randomly
I love how concerned she is for someone who is crying
she adores her Grandpas and Grandmas and her Greats.
she says HI to everyone at wal-mart and waves her hand even if they are inches away.
She is such good buddies with Nacho
She LOVES the out-doors and would play in water infinitely.
She sleeps in her big girl bed ......just like a big girl.
she loves makeup and dresses just as much as playing in the mud and squishing bugs
She teaches herself words everyday, such a smartypants.
I had my sisterinlaw take a few family photos on Sunday. ... so more photos to come.