Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and Holly days fun

Thanksgiving was with the Gardner family this year. It was really fun. the food was UHH_MAzE-Ing......the company was great, but we sure missed the Binghams and the Grady's:) We even got my dad and Danny to play some scattagories with us that night and we watched ELF, and of course chomped on turkey leftovers all night. Isnt my little girl starting to look like a "BIG" girl??? she is such a little peach. Danny and I are loving her new fases. What a little character.
Holly Days gets funner every year, the best thing is..everything is FREE! Yes we got a picture with the camel. I think it may be worthy of our Christmas card photo. Bahahah.....maybe if we were dressed up as the 3 wise men. Gracy got up there and then turned around after she realized she was entering the mouth of an alligator, it was a little cruel of us. wish I could have gotten a shot of her face.

She LOVED the horsey rides :) check out that poor churro she has a death grip on.

The lady that took our picture cut out Sis!!! Rude.

OH yes we did......tackled black friday..... ok.... not really we went shopping around 1:00 friday afternoon lol. but still got some serious deals. if i had photo shop I would put my oldest sis Tiff in the picture.....its never the same with out her. Miss you teeefeeey.

Thought I wold throw in some things I love right now:
1. Gracy's new vocabulary:Top 3= Yuhhlicous, Oh my Darsh, UHHmazin,
2.My hair is Growing like a weed!
3.Dannys mountain man look is GONE christmas tree decor. shopping is DONE (except for Gracy's)
6.The Ensign magazine
7. new mac shadow at merle
8. family time
9.Danny's job
10. Danny has been planning our Spain Vacation !!! im beginning to think it really will happen and its not just a dream.


Tiffany said...

Can't believe we missed Holly days! Bummer. And I missed out on dad and danny participating in the games?!?!? There must have been some profanities and chupacabra references. I will forgive you for shopping without me as long as you bought me something.

Unknown said...


Stan & Ash said...

LOVE your hair right now! Its so cute! cute pictures! your little one is a doll!